Vitamins for Seasonal Depression

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Have you ever noticed that you feel consistently sluggish, tired, or unhappy during winter? If so, you may suffer from seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

SAD is a type of depression that affects roughly 15% of Canadians annually, starting in the fall and lasting through the winter. Research on what causes this disorder is limited, but it’s potentially linked to a lack of exposure to sunlight and genetics. Natural sunlight influences the body’s natural production of serotonin and melatonin, influencing how we feel. Disruptions to the production of these critical brain chemicals can have negative consequences for our mental health. 

The severity of SAD cases varies from person to person based on internal and environmental factors, and while 15% of Canadians report experiencing a mild form of the disease, only 2-3% of people report severe cases.


Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder is closely related to depression and shares many of the same symptoms. People with SAD may experience the following:

  • Irritability
  • Lethargy, low energy and sluggishness
  • Changes in appetite, weight gain & cravings
  • Social withdrawal
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • A sense of hopelessness and or guilt
  • Loss of interest in activities you once liked

woman with seasonal depression looking out window

The symptoms of SAD are numerous and vary widely from person to person. Talk to a healthcare provider if you suffer from multiple of these symptoms. There are treatments available, including light therapy, counselling, pharmaceuticals and supplementation. 


Vitamins for Seasonal Depression

Vitamin supplementation can help treat underlying factors of SAD and support adjacent treatments. In particular, certain vitamin deficiencies can be a trigger for seasonal depression, especially when it comes to certain chemicals that are produced in response to environmental factors.


Vitamin D for SAD

Vitamin D is naturally produced in the body when the skin comes into contact with sunlight. During the winter months, many people become increasingly susceptible to deficiency, especially in northern countries such as Canada, which has far fewer hours of sunlight in the winter compared to countries closer to the equator. In Canada, 32% of people are below the optimal vitamin D level. 

vitamins for seasonal depression

Vitamin D has been widely studied as a treatment for psychological disorders, mostly with positive results; studies have shown that supplementing with vitamin D can relieve SAD symptoms if a deficiency exists. As always, consult a healthcare practitioner before consuming new supplements. 

Increasing your vitamin D levels is easy and can be done through diet and supplementation. Foods such as eggs, salmon, milk and mushrooms are high in the vitamin, and supplements are widely available. As vitamin D is oil-soluble, one should take it with food or in an oil format. 


B Vitamins for SAD


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential in many bodily processes, such as energy metabolism, oxygen transportation and nerve function. Research shows a link between chronically low levels of vitamin B12 and depression. Deficiency in B12 is common, especially among people who don’t consume animal products, which are naturally high in the vitamin. As B12 is essential in metabolizing carbohydrates for energy, low levels can lead to chronic fatigue and worsen symptoms of seasonal depression. 

While winter weather does not directly influence levels of vitamin B12, supplementing with it may help prevent some depression symptoms. 

Vitamin B9 & B6

Vitamin B9 (also known as folate) has been shown in several studies to be linked to depression, as low folate levels correlate with an increase in depressive symptoms. Vitamin B9 supplements are easily accessible and available at most pharmacies or grocery stores. Vitamin B6 is also linked to depressive symptoms as it interacts with the brain’s neurotransmitters. 

woman looking out the window wants vitamins for seasonal depression

Supplementing With B Vitamins

B vitamin supplements are inexpensive and common. They can be bought together in “b-complex” supplements or separately. If you are experiencing symptoms of seasonal depression or are concerned with preventing depressive symptoms, you may want to start taking some form of vitamin B supplement. Regardless, supplementing with B vitamins can boost energy levels and overall health. Always consult a healthcare practitioner before taking a new supplement.

Vitamins for SAD at KOSI Wellness

We want to help you live your life, not recreate it. We want to guide you to the best supplements for your unique body and help you revive your potential. At KOSI, our goal is to help bring you inner peace and good health through ingredients that have stood the test of time. Check out our full catalogue of products that we’ve crafted to support your better health.